Thursday 7 October 2010

It’s All Greek to Me: Eyes in The Back of Your Head

Not A Fanatic 

Are you familiar with the expression “eyes in the back of your head”? Here we will take a brief look in to the history of an expression that is well known today but has its roots way back in history.

In ‘The Pot of Gold’ by Plautus we are told of the story of Euclio, an old man who is lucky enough to find a pile of gold hidden in his house. His determination to keep the gold hidden is off-set by his paranoid delusions that everyone he meets already knows about the gold and are planning on ways to steal it from him. Euclio is especially wary of his servant, a trusty but somewhat dim ‘old hag’ by the name of Straphyla. It is Euclio’s believe that Straphyla is plotting to steal the gold away from him and he is so paranoid in his thoughts that he claims that she must have eyes in the back of her head. Read more here...


  1. When I walk alone on the dark narrow street I have the feeling of "eyes in the back of my head".

  2. Nice post x Can you view my website at thanks

  3. Interesting, I'd never heard the phrase used in the context of paranoia, but in more of a 'Big Brother is watching you' way.

  4. I never knew that was the story behind that saying...great post. Thanks.

  5. Thanks man ! you really enlighten me! Now i know what people mean when they say that ...

  6. i have a great information here , posting very informative content is really fantastic here ,i wish to continue to visit daily for this site because so many people interesting in it , by this comments will updated daily having a chance of more and more learn.

  7. I wish i was as lucky as him to find a pile of gold hidden in my house.. haha.. Thanks for this post, i now know the meaning behind this expression. I might use this expression next when paranoia gets the better of me.

  8. Thank you for the interesting story. I really enjoyed to read this post.

  9. i have a clear interest in this post , i am visting the blog regularly and comments are updating regularly . so veryone like this post automatically ...

  10. One who has eyes at the back of the head usually is hard to surprise. Nice article, good explanation of everyday expression we usually don`t think about.


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